The show must go on; that's what they say...
On Friday the thirteenth of March, 2020 we had to cancel the opening night performance of SUNSET BOULEVARD. We all know what happened after that. Nothing good. We had to cancel the rest of the season. With our Season Pass, we promised a lot of people a year of great shows that never happened. It was chaotic, confusing, depressing, and scary all at once. Most of our patrons accepted that the situation was not of our making and out of our hands. Your graciousness in that terrible time saved our theater.
Now, we need your help more than ever.

Important Update
Actors Cabaret of Eugene no longer requires patrons to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination. Patrons are strongly encouraged to wear masks in the theater, but we want everyone to feel comfortable and confident in their masking choices. Tickets are sold up to full seating capacity without spacing between parties.
Policies are subject to change based on evolving guidance from Lane County, the State of Oregon, and the CDC. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home. You can switch to another performance if available for that show, donate your ticket back to ACE or gift it to a friend!
Thank YOU from ACE
First and most, thank you. Thank you for seeing the shows, buying the tickets, wearing your masks and getting the Covid poke. Thanks to the actors for setting aside hours and hours of rehearsal, thanks to the crew for doing the same, and thanks to our patrons who never lost hope and have been patiently waiting for lasagna. Your day has arrived!